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Nogmaals bedankt voor uw interesse. KLIK HIER om naar het boek te gaan en geniet van de ervaring!
M. Frank
PS: Op dit moment wordt het boek in het Engels aangeboden. Laat uw reactie hieronder achter:
I really like the presentation.. very slick and I never got bored. Really kept my attention.
Excellent research and insight on several subjects
Wow! That’s pretty big praise coming from a guy like you. Makes me very happy and proud that you left such a compliment. Thanks.
Please feel free to share the book with whomever you like…
Well researched, articulated and curated for an audio experience! A vast and delightful topic.
Great way to introduce young and old to The Beatles.
Looking forward to more.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the book. One of my primary ambitions when I set out to write this book was to bring the story to a younger generation of folks who weren’t even alive when the Beatles were together (like LL). It makes me especially happy to know that you think I accomplished this objective.
More to come.
WoW Mr. M. Frank & Co.
I think this is a game changer how the world’s gonna absorb a book. Such fun to read, joy for the design, a magnet for the mind, easy to flip back and forth and very accurate time wise. Proud of my J’s big input. This is a book with a Soul.
What an honour to receive a complimentary comment from you! Thank you so much. We tried to make our book a bit different from other Beatle books. And it seems we succeeded.
Your J’s input was certainly critical and a justifiable source of pride.
Please feel free to share our gift with your friends and family.
Happy holidays.
Master piece + smooth technology + impressive content = THIS MARVELOUS eBOOK
That’s pretty big praise – especially coming from you! Thanks a lot.
It was really a team effort. And I’m sure you know I had nothing to do with the technology – other than finding the right person to contribute it.
Enjoy the book and feel free to share with your friends.
This is a great book! Only problem is access it from China even with VPN. Very slow for the pages to load when you flip through.
Thanks for your compliment Peter. We are still trying to find a solution that will allow us to effectively release the book in China. Will be back to you soon.
Have a great holiday.