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Nogmaals bedankt voor uw interesse. KLIK HIER om naar het boek te gaan en geniet van de ervaring!
M. Frank
PS: Op dit moment wordt het boek in het Engels aangeboden. Laat uw reactie hieronder achter:
The first book was great, and this is even better.
To be clear, I was not the biggest Beatles fan in the day. Turning the pages and hearing the songs now, I wonder why that was. Is it possible they continue to get better with age?
Thanks for the efforts and for sharing your infectious passion about a fantastic group of 4!
Somethings do get better with the passage of time! Thanks for all your contributions to this book. M
Hey M, once again a fab job. After becoming Sgt Pepper I couldn’t wait for this one. I don’t recall you telling me this was going to be a trilogy but I cannot wait for number three. As one Beatlemaniac to another, A big thanks for giving an insightful summary of the world’s greatest Rock & Roll Band.
Your friend Phil
Hey M, once again a fab job. After becoming Sgt Pepper I couldn’t wait for this one. I don’t recall you telling me this was going to be a trilogy but I cannot wait for number three. As one Beatlemaniac to another, A big thanks for giving an insightful summary of the world’s greatest Rock & Roll Band.
Yout friend Phil