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M. Frank
PS: Op dit moment wordt het boek in het Engels aangeboden. Laat uw reactie hieronder achter:
Well crafted. Loved the visuals and choice of music. I learned a lot in 130 pages – some I forgot and a lot was new to me. Thanks.
John, Very nice to receive your comments. A lot of work/time went into this project and it’s nice to get positive feedback – especially from someone as knowledgeable as you (sincerely). JP & I are in the first stages of marketing Mad Days Out. Our first book (Becoming Sgt Pepper) reached more than 80k people around the world. Not sure we can repeat that achievement. But feel free to share MDO with your network of music fans. Thanks again. M
Thanks M Frank for bringing us this cool piece of culture, history and knowledge in such a nice format and translated into so many languages.
You sure had a lot to do bringing us this book too N. And I really thank you for that – and your kind comment.
Great, just great. Thank you Mr. Frank, for bring us the story of the greatest band ever. Wonderful writings & presentation. 4 thumbs up.
Well as an old Beatle maniac I just had to read. I am greatful for your effort. A bit here and there was new to me. Thanks again from Sweden. /Stefan
Thanks Stefan – from one ‘old Beatle maniac’ to another
I really appreciate that you took time to leave a comment. It was a true global team effort. Our Editor is based in New York, Graphic Designer in Amsterdam, our Software Engineer in Maastricht and I spent most of the time writing the book (almost 3 years!) moving around the world.
I’m in the process of writing the 2nd book in our Beatles trilogy. It will focus on 1967-68. Hoping to have it finished and on-line by the end of the year – at the latest.
Please feel free to other ‘maniacs’ about ‘Becoming Sgt. Pepper.’ It’s meant to be shared.
Thanks again Stefan.
Thank you ,this was an interesting read,I have been a fan of the Beatles since their beginning, T was also lucky enough to see their last concert at Candlestick park S.F. I was unaware that there were so many empty seats, it didn’t seem like that at the time,of course that was 55years ago and the memory is not as sharp as it once was,but thank you for the trip down memory lane.
Thanks for leaving a comment Kiek. Glad you enjoyed our book.
I wish I could say I had an opportunity to see the Beatles. And I sure wish I could say I saw their last concert.
I’m in the process of writing the 2nd installment in my Beatles trilogy. Plan to have it on-line by next Christmas.
Hope you have a wonderful holiday. Thanks again.
The never ending story.