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Nogmaals bedankt voor uw interesse. KLIK HIER om naar het boek te gaan en geniet van de ervaring!
M. Frank
PS: Op dit moment wordt het boek in het Engels aangeboden. Laat uw reactie hieronder achter:
excellent job!!
Very kind of you to leave a comment – one of the first reactions to 00’s new version of the book. I will let her know that you think she did an excellent job 🙂
M. Frank
Dear Team,
Compliments are merited. To see this craftsmanship in Chinese is an art in itself. 恭喜
Dear Josephina,
When did you learn to read & write Chinese? Do you know any other languages? I might want to hire you as a translator 🙂
Thanks for leaving a comment.
M. Frank
I’m very proud and happy to welcome our Chinese readers to our website!
I learned english singing with the Beatles, I love their songs ! I enjoyed , thank you
Bedankt voor deze mooie en complete reportage
Thanks/merci/bedankt for your bi-lingual comment. It’s the first one we’ve received!
Glad you liked our book. I learned a little French by singing the words to “Michelle” (ma belle).
I really enjoyed it.
In short, it is Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.
Definitely worth a look, a read and a listen.
Dear David,
First a piece of historic trivia (an oxymoron if I’ve ever written one):
1965’s best-selling non-soundtrack album was “Beatles ’65.”
1965’s best-selling album? The soundtrack to “Mary Poppins.”
Why do I mention this? Because your comment quoted a lyric from the “Mary Poppins” soundtrack:
I’m sure you intended to plant this obscure piece of trivia in the hope that I wouldn’t expose it. But you will simply have to try harder next time 🙂
I’m honoured that a man of your literary skill and renown would take time to leave a comment. Thanks. And thanks also for your contributions to the book. I’m forever indebted.