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Nogmaals bedankt voor uw interesse. KLIK HIER om naar het boek te gaan en geniet van de ervaring!
M. Frank
PS: Op dit moment wordt het boek in het Engels aangeboden. Laat uw reactie hieronder achter:
One of the best books I’ve seen in 2020 – especially one about music. Would love to meet the author one day. Will there ever be a Chinese version?
This experience was wonderful. It’s a great book… and you can dance to it!
Dear Sweet Lo: If I ever get around to compiling a ‘greatest hits’ of comments, yours will surely be on it. “And you can dance to it”!!!! Wonderful! I also want you to know how much JP’s involvement has meant to me and the book. I’m not even sure I would have ever finished the book without his guidance. When I came to him, I had about 400 pages of text. He turned the book in a totally different direction and gave me the inspiration/motivation to finish it after 3 years of research. I’m indebted…
Dear Sweet Lo: If I ever get around to compiling a ‘greatest hits’ of comments, yours will surely be on it. “And you can dance to it”!!!! Wonderful! I also want you to know how much JP’s involvement has meant to me and the book. I’m not even sure I would have ever finished the book without his guidance. When I came to him, I had about 400 pages of text. He turned the book in a totally different direction and gave me the inspiration/motivation to finish it after 3 years of research. I’m indebted…
Dear Mr. Frank,
Intrigued, impressed, surprised – this is how I feel now that I see the book in all its glory.
You are a proud man I reckon. And I feel proud to have been part of the team!
I am quite proud too. What a team!
It was a great pleasure working on this project with you, Michael and Joost….a job well done!
It was wonderful working with you Josee on this wonderful book!
Just read the book for a 2nd time. Amazing. But this time the delays were a little longer – not sure why…
Absolutely love the book! But who is this M. Frank character anyway????